MGP stands for Midwest Grain Products, and while you may not know who they are, I can almost guarantee than you’ve had their spirits before.   The distillery is instantly familiar to you if you’ve spent any time in Lawrenceburg, it’s the hulking brick building right over the border with Seagrams emblazoned in the side of it.

Who Is MGP?

Founded in 1857 and purchased by Seagram in 1933, the distillery has been in the area longer than any other local places have.  MGP purchased the distillery in 2011 after it bounced around to a few other owners giving it a new life – one of extreme secrecy.

The real personality of MGP lies in the many different brands that use their whiskey.  Angel’s Envy, Bulleit, Filibuster, George Dickel Rye, High West, Redemption, OKI, George Remus – they’re all products that were born out of the stills in Lawrenceburg.  It’s a world that gets whiskey nuts in all sorts of a tizzy.  Who makes that spirit that you are drinking?  The honesty behind some of these spirits that are produced in one place to be sold in another is an entirely different topic, that I should probably tackle one of these days.

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